

Mike Cleveland

Mike was born in sin, lived in sin, and destroyed much of his life through sin, including his first marriage, and he would have died in sin had it not been for the grace of God. The gospel of Jesus Christ rescued and freed him from the burden and bondage of sin and gave him a wonderful marriage and a fruitful ministry. Mike lives to give out the gospel to others now.

Mike has been married to Jody Cleveland for 25+ years and is the father of six children and grandfather of two. He has served as a pastor and is the founder and president of Setting Captives Free Ministries.

Mike has his Bachelor’s in Biblical Studies from Bethany Bible College and Seminary.

John Hays

John loves the gospel! He came to faith early in life and rejoices to see others find their life in Jesus too. He was brought on as an elder in June of 2022 as it is his desire to serve The Gospel Church in Long Beach.
John and his wife Kay enjoy ministering together, reaching the hearts of many through their loving service of ministering the Word of God, praying, and pointing people to the glorious message that Jesus died for sins and rose from the dead.

Eric Mockaitis

Eric is passionate about the power of the gospel to save and set us free.

Erick Hurt

The gospel of Jesus Christ saved our marriage from many sins, impurity, disrespect, adultery, bankruptcy, anger, rage and so much more. When God revealed the gospel’s love and power to us by faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection our sins were forgiven, and our old lives were put to death on the cross with Jesus. And when we rose from the tomb with Christ, we were given power through the Holy Spirit to live and love again. “This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins” (1 John 4:10 NLT). Erick and his wife Sylvia love ministering the gospel together.

Deacons and Deaconesses

Ted and Linda Raaymakers

Kay Hays

Marci Lindsey

Hospitality Coordinator

Kelly Dorsey

Kelly was sold out to a world of idols, lust, impurity, and debauchery.  A slave to sin and held captive in a prison of lies, she lost her identity, her way, and nearly her life.
But instead of the death her guilt and shame demanded, she met the MAN who came and gave up His life in her place. The Lord Jesus Christ, her Kinsmen redeemer who became her Sin, died on the Cross, was buried in the grave, and rose from the dead so she could become His bride. Washed, set free, forgiven, and redeemed.  
Kelly has mentored for several years with Setting Captives Free.  She joins us at The Gospel Church from Nashville Tennessee.  She has a zeal for the Gospel and it's her desire for others to experience its power to restore lives, mend shattered hearts, open prison doors, and set the captive free just as she’s experiencing its power in her own life.